New Area Identification Program
Read this document in Nepali (MS Word, Preeti font)
We are actively looking for new volunteers to expand our work to more
places in Nepal. We hope to identify such volunteers and areas under
our "New Area Identification Program". If you are interested in
working with us to help children in your area, please read the rest of
this page to get an idea of what awaits us in our quest to help the
The Nepalese Children's Education Fund, through our partner NGO in
Nepal, Campaign for Education (CE), provides financial assistance to
families that are unable to send their children to school. School fees
are directly paid to the school. Instead of money, stationeries,
books, and uniform are provided to the children. We visit our children
once every two months to make sure they are making progress in school and to
help in any way we can if they are encountering difficulties. Our goal
is to make sure all of our children continue to pass their classes and
complete 10+2 or the Intermediate level and go even further to realize
their potential. So it is important that we have an active group of
volunteers keeping in constant touch with the children and families in
the area.
How does it work?
Our new area identification program seeks new area applications from
interested volunteers to start an area. In 2006, we will approve at
most five areas under the new area identification program. The
approved proposed areas are designated as "areas under
evaluation". The areas under evaluation will perform and be treated
just like older areas that CE has been running for a number of
years. The only difference will be a much smaller number of students
in the areas under evaluation. At the end of the year, the areas under
evaluation will be evaluated using metrics outlined in this
document. Only the areas under evaluation that have performed well
will be approved for expansion with a larger number of students in the
coming academic year.
Questionnaire for new areas
Before we proceed, we would like to know more about you so that we can
understand your background, interests and the resources you bring to
the organization better. We would also like to know more about the
area you propose for CE work. We get a lot of requests from many
individuals from around the country to start work in their
areas. Please provide complete information. If you send incomplete
information, it is likely that your application for a new area will
not be considered. Please send the filled out information to .
New Area Application for
About you and your team
1. Your name:
2. Your contact address:
phone number (including area code):
mailing address:
Please also explain any other ways to get in touch with you. Please
mention if there are any special instructions (time etc) for calling
you and how frequently you check your email.
3. What are the chances that you might move from your area to
elsewhere in the next two years or not be available for CE volunteer
4. How many volunteers do you think you can recruit to conduct the field work?
5. Do you have a bank account?
6. If you reside in the proposed area, please proceed to "About the
area" section of this questionnaire. If you do not reside in the
proposed area, your role, as a facilitator for the area, will be to
help identify an area coordinator who resides in the area and and deputy area coordinator who should take the responsibility for the area in the absence of the primary area coordinator
. You will
also work with us to help train the area coordinator and volunteers
and assist actively to make sure we can successfully do our work in your
Name of the area coordinator who resides in the proposed area:
Contact address for the coordinator:
phone number (including area code):
mailing address:
Contact address for the deputy-coordinator:
phone number (including area code):
mailing address:
Please also explain any other ways to get in touch with the area
coordinator and deputy area coordinator. Please mention if there are any special instruction
(time etc) for calling the coordinators. Your information should be
detailed enough so that we can get in touch with the area coordinator and deputy area coordinator even when you are not available to facilitate the communication.
7. Does the area coordinator have plans to move out of area in the
future? If so, when? Will the volunteer be unavailable for CE
volunteer work in the next two years?
About the proposed area
8. Proposed area location:
Please specify detailed direction on how to reach the area using
public transportation.
9. Is your area rural or urban?
10. If rural, how far is the village from the highway or motorable road?
11. Approximately what proportion of children above 6 do not go to
school in this area? What are the main reasons? You can provide a few
examples for illustration.
12. How many public secondary schools are there within one hour of
walking distance? What about private schools?
13. Does this area have electricity?
14. Does the area have phone service?
15. How far is the nearest post office?
16. What are the main sources of jobs in this area?
17. Approximately what fraction of people have formal education up to
SLC and the intermediate level (grade 12) in this area?
18. What is the ethnic makeup of this area?
19. When do students typically drop out of school and why? Before or
after SLC? Give specific examples.
20. What is the total school-related costs (fees, uniform, books,
stationeries) in a public/government school per student in this area?
21. To which ethnic groups do the children who do not go to school
belong? What is the typical family income of these students? What is
their main source of income?
22. Please write two paragraphs about your area. The description
should say enough about the area for someone who has never visited the
area or the country to understand where it is and also explain why
organizations like CE are needed in the area. We will put this
description on our website if your area is approved.
About your CE contact
23. How did you hear about CE?
24. At least one CE member should endorse your application and make a
recommendation that we start the proposed area with you as the area
coordinator. Do you know anyone among CE members who might be able to
make such recommendation for this application?
After you submit the information
Once you submit the information, a team of people will take a look at
your application and evaluate it. The team will make a recommendation
on whether or not we should start an evaluation phase in your area if
we have not used up the quota for exploratory areas for that year and
if we determine that the following conditions are satisfied:
- Response is provided for each question on the form.
- The area has plenty of needy children.
- The area coordinator and the volunteer residing in the area have a
long term interest in being involved in this endeavor and plan to run
the program for a number of years.
- Regular communication between the organization and the area
coordinator is possible.
- A strong recommendation from at least one member of the
Accept/defer decisions will be made within two weeks after you submit
the application. If your application is not accepted, you can request
for reconsideration after some information has changed. If your
application was not accepted because we used up quota for exploratory
area for the year, you are welcome to apply next year.
If your application is approved, your proposed area will be designated
an "area under evaluation". Now we must ensure that your area performs
well throughout the year and passes the evaluation at the end of the
academic year so that your area becomes a full fledged area with a
large number of students in the next academic year.
Welcome aboard
As an area coordinator of an area under evaluation, our primary goal
for the first year is to expose you to all the mechanisms and
processes of the organization and for the organization to get used to
working with you. We hope you will get experience on what kind of
volunteers are reliable, what will be the difficulties in application
collection, communication, fund disbursement, and reporting so that
you can plan better next year when we have a larger number of
Even though your area is designated an area under evaluation, we will
work as if your new area is a full fledged area that is no longer
under evaluation. This means your area will be treated fairly and in
the same manner as the organization treats older areas. You are
entitled to the same discretionary spending and training budget as
other older areas.
As soon as you hear from us that your area is approved, you will need
to do the following tasks as soon as possible:
- Read the area
coordinator's manual. Even though your area is under evaluation,
you must follow all the procedures and mechanisms mentioned in the
coordinators manual. The only difference is you will send all your
questions, reports, and suggestions to [email protected]
- Visit the application and selection
page and read about how students are selected.
- Download the application for scholarship and collect three
applications. Make an arrangement to send them to the organization. If
you decide to send applications by email, please send them to
[email protected]. Our goal is to fund students who are either
about to drop out of school or children who do not go to school
because of financial reason. You must find students that match this
description even though we are in the middle of the academic
- Send us your bank account information if you have not already done
so. If you do not have a bank account, you need to open one because we
can not give you cash. All financial disbursement to the area
coordinators are done through bank account.
- The organization requires that you send student visit and
financial reports. You can find the format for these reports in the
area coordinator's manual. Because there are vacations and festivals
at certain times of the year, it is alright if you can not send
reports on specific months. If you do not think you can send reports
on certain months, you need to tell us immediately the months in which
we should not expect student visit reports from you. We require at
least 5 reports in a year. Financial reports must be filed every
two months. If you decide to send these reports by email, please send them
to [email protected].
Our commitment
This is a partnership between you and us to provide help to the
children from your area. As you complete the tasks listed above, we
will take the following steps to move this partnership forward:
- We will assign you a contact person at CE. If there are any
questions about any aspect of the organization or your work, you
should first get in touch with this person. This person will forward
your question to the right person if it requires input or work from
other parts/volunteers of the organization.
- Once we receive the applications, we will select one student as
the recipient of CE financial assistance. We will send you this
Next steps
Once you receive the name of the selected student from the organization:
- Please prepare a budget to cover the costs for the selected
student. You can find the format and example in the area coordinator's
manual. Please make sure that you send budget for the whole year and
mention how much money would be necessary on what months.
- Communicate with the student, family, school and the volunteer you
have recruited to visit the student. Make arrangement for enrolling
the student.
- We will deposit the money to your bank account.
- Once the money is received, enroll the student. If the amount is
allocated for stationeries, uniform, books, you can buy those items
and hand them over to the student. Please do not provide any cash to
the student or the family.
Our partnership gets stronger
Now that the student is selected and enrolled, we move to the next
phase of our partnership in which we work together to make sure the
student makes consistent progress in school. We also make ourselves
available to provide any assistance related to education to the
student and the family.
- Please start visiting the student. Fill out the visit form during the
visit and write down any additional comments and information on the
form. Send the visit forms to CE in the months you scheduled to visit
the student and send the reports.
- Prepare financial report every two months. Transmit this report to CE
every two months. Please include all transportation, communication, and
all other expenses related to our work in the financial report. You
must send financial report even if there is no expense for that
- Every two months, after you send student visit and financial report, a team
of volunteers will review the forms and provide you feedback on how to
improve the reports and the field work. Please try to incorporate
these suggestions in your field work and reporting as quickly as
possible because we want to work at the highest level of excellence.
- Organize at least one recreational activity for the student during the
year. Please follow the guidelines and procedure mentioned in the
coordinator's manual.
- If you or the volunteer require any training to be able to do this
work better, we can provide funds for that. Please follow the
guidelines and procedure mentioned in the coordinator's manual.
How did we do?
In February, we will review and evaluate the work in your proposed
area. The evaluation will be based on the following metrics:
- Student visit frequency. We strive to visit the students
every two months except during long holidays. We expect that you were able
to visit the students according to the schedule that you sent to the
organization when we started working in your area.
- Report filing. Although student visit reports are usually
sent shortly after visiting the students, we understand that sometimes
it might take a little longer to send the reports even though our
volunteer visited the student according to the schedule. We generally
expect your student visit report to arrive at the organization within
15 days of visiting the students. Financial reports are required every
two months according to the schedule.
- Promptness of communication. Ideally we would like you to
receive our questions and suggestions immediately. We would also like
to receive your suggestions, questions, and answers
immediately. Because most of us are doing this as our side job in our
free time, it will not be possible for us to always respond to each
other within a day or two. We can not, on the other hand, afford to
wait for a month to hear back from you especially if we have questions
or suggestions on how to improve the field work or reporting. We
expect that you acknowledge and respond to our emails and phone calls
within a week as far as possible.
- Overseeing costs in both time and fund. Even though the
rest of the organization will do its best to assist you in your area,
we would like you to be able to take care of the operation of your
area on your own as much as possible. If your CE contact person ends
up spending several hours a few times a month every two months and a large
sum of money (for phone calls, transportation, meetings) to make sure
your area is working properly, that could be an indication that we
might not be prepared to increase the scope of our work in your
area. We expect you to be able to operate your area mostly
independently. Thus you have great flexibility as well as
responsibility to run things well.
- Quality of applications. Your evaluation will also be based
on the type of students you were able to identify for applications and
how the applications were filled out. We will see if the students
satisfy the selection criteria or not. We will make a note of work
well done if the applications are complete and accurate.
- Quality of reports. We expect the student visit reports and
financial reports to follow the specified format on the coordinator's
manual. We also expect the reports to be complete. Incomplete and
incorrectly filled out forms might be an indication that the volunteer
needs further instruction on how to conduct the visit and fill out the
forms. After we provide our feedback, you will have an opportunity to
change the reports so that there are no recurring problems with the
Moving ahead
If we determine that you have performed satisfactorily on all six
metrics mentioned above, we will drop the "under evaluation"
designation from your area. We will select 5-10 students in the coming
academic year. The organization will provide you with all the
resources it has. Your motivation, time, and energy will determine how
big, how fast, and how far we go.
If we determine that the work in the proposed area did not meet the
expectations under each metric, we will conclude the evaluation
process. You will not be eligible to continue working with CE until
next year.