On 11/20/2009, the executive committee unanimously approved increasing
the financial student per student to NRs. 10,000 per year for post-SLC
An article reflecting this new policy will be published in the next issue
along with the data that was used to make this decision.
In summary, NCEF financial assistance is:
NRs 7,500/student/year for grades K-10
NRs 10,000/student/year for grades 11 and 12
The long awaited student biographies for 2009 has been published at http://nepalchildren.org/children/2009/. Please stay tuned for a detailed student selection report.

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Number of Members: 6,603
Donations from Cause: $1,075 |
Total Students: 66,
Male: 25,
Female: 41
Distribution by Area: Birgunj: 3, Dolakha: 7, Kathmandu: 5, Kavre: 5, Lamatar:2, Nepalgunj: 18, Patan: 12, Rasuwa: 2, Sunsari: 10 |