As we continue to see the moving and devastating images from Nepal, and are saddened by the loss of so many lives, NCEF volunteers rushed into action to find out the fate of our students and other volunteers.
We are relieved that based on reports from volunteers in all of the areas in which NCEF sponsors students, we believe that no NCEF students or volunteers were injured or killed in the earthquake. However, their lives will surely be disrupted as some have friends or relatives who were lost, and the physical destruction has been enormous.
Please help rebuild Bloom Nepal school damaged by the earthquake

Collapsed portion Bloom Nepal school
We have learned that the school that some of our students in Patan attend, called Bloom Nepal, was partially damaged by the earthquake. Part of the school building collapsed and furniture, equipment and computers were also destroyed.
In order to help this school, NCEF is launching a special fundraising drive to provide the estimated US$4000 needed to repair the school and replace the damaged items. Please help out by donating here
We have been able to contact some of our friends in Nepal to hear their stories. NCEF volunteer Ram in Patan was in the school office when the earthquake started. He ran outside and students started to join him there. Fortunately his family is fine, but he is worried about the impact of the damage to the school on the students.
Hemanta is a student in grade 4 at the Bloom Nepal school and is sponsored by NCEF. He was at home when the earthquake occurred (school had been closed for holidays) so he and his brother immediately ran outside. The family stayed in a crowded tent due to the fear of being buried in their house, but it was cold and rainy outside. He is disappointed that his school is closed now because he likes going there. He fears that there will be more earthquakes, leading to more collapsed buildings and more casualties.

Patan volunteer Ram with Bloom Nepal school students Roshan and Hemanta
Roshan is in the same grade as Hemanta at Bloom Nepal and is also supported by NCEF. He was playing hideand seek with some friends on the 6th floor of the building where his mother works when the earthquake occurred. Some concrete fell on his head, but fortunately he was not injured. However, his cousin had hand and leg bruises and was treated by a hospital. His mother quickly took them out of the shaking building. Their house sustained some cracks and so it is not safe to stay there. The family has also been staying in a tent and visiting his aunt’s house for meals since it was not damaged. He is looking forward to playing hide and seek again, but says that next time he will hide underneath a table since it is safer in case of an earthquake.
NCEF student Sushila attends grade 10 at a different school. She was on her way home, returning from grocery shopping, so she rushed home to find her family safe but staying outside the house. Other family came running home as well. There have been strong aftershocks for several days and the entire family is staying in a big tent now with other people, out of fear that another strong quake could cause the houses to collapse. It is very crowded and noisy, as even people whose houses were not damaged have come there. The tent is especially uncomfortable when it is rainy and windy, and she says it is a little scary at night.
Please join us in helping out these students and to rebuild the school. Please donate to this special fundraising drive now – all funds raised will go to help the school return to normal. Please donate here

A view of the damage to Bloom Nepal school
A special thanks to Shyam Gnawali for visiting the volunteer, student and schools in order to obtain these updates.