We would like to request our supporters to send a donation to help continue our efforts to educate children across Nepal.
We have raised $11,974 so far this year and our goal is $20,000. We know that many of our supporters are waiting till the end of the year to send in their donations. Now is a good time to send in your contribution. Any amount, large or small, would help raise enough money to cover our annual expense for 2012.
All our donations are used directly to support the education of our children in Nepal. There is no paid staff at NCEF. This year we were able to support students across Nepal. We would like you to help us continue our efforts.
Please give a gift of education.
Your gift of:
- $100 can send a child to school for a whole year
- $20 can help a child receive books, pens, and pencils to go to school for a whole year
- $20 will ensure that a child will enter school for the first time in his/her new school uniform.


Sudeep is in his last year of high school. He is originally from the south eastern city of Birgunj and is currently studying in Kathmandu. Sudeep has a keen interest in helping develop his society and has been volunteering for NCEF since January 2009. He is currently the temporary Area Coordinator for Lamatar and has been the Area Coordinator for Birgunj in the past. In addition to his role with NCEF, Sudeep also volunteers for Children in Trouble in Nepal (CITIN) and the International Youth Fellowship (IYF). The following is an excerpt from an interview with Aayush Sakya.
How did you first come to learn about the NCEF?
When I was in Kathmandu for my brother’s marriage a few years ago, I met Jay Shrestha who is a volunteer for NCEF. When he learned about my interest in helping other members of my society, Jay suggested that I should volunteer for NCEF because of how impactful the organization is in improving the lives of children through education.
Please describe a memorable moment with children or volunteering.
I have had many memorable moments with children while volunteering.
Two months ago, Program Director Hari Tripathi asked me if I could act as the Area Coordinator for Lamatar Area since the former coordinator was unable to continue his work. When I visited the students in Lamatar it was raining the entire day. The school is only accessible by foot. After a one hour walk over the hill on a rainy day, I was finally able to reach the school and meet the children we sponsor. One of the students, Mimisa, was not able to pay her high school exam registration fee of Rs. 400 (US $5), and we were able to take care of her fees. I was really glad that I was able to make it there.
When I was an Area coordinator in Birgunj, I had sent an application for Poonam who was unable to go to school because of financial problems at home. When I told Poonam that her application was approved, her eyes glimmered with renewed hope. I was very happy to see her smile. Unfortunately, a year after she started school she quit because her family wanted her to help with work instead. Sometimes, despite our best efforts we are not able to help every child we sponsor. Although this only happens in a minority of cases, it is still a sad reality that I encounter sometimes.
What motivated you to be a part of the NCEF?
I was looking to volunteer for an organization that is free from politics and corruption that generally plagues many non-governmental organizations in Nepal. When I found out that NCEF was an all-volunteer effort founded by students in the United States, I was very interested in it. After a little bit of research it appeared that the organization was very transparent about their finances and had a clear interest in promoting education in Nepal. This is why I was interested in NCEF.
What improvements do you think will be beneficial for the children and the proper functioning of NCEF?
Since NCEF is an all-volunteer program it is sometimes difficult to find dedicated volunteers who can help us accomplish all the tasks that we have to manage. We are succeeding so far despite this challenge. However, this may limit growth in new cities because additional volunteers will be difficult to find.
I think we should also try to publicize our efforts in Nepal so that people know about our organization and the work that we do. Perhaps this will help us get more volunteers in Nepal to help with our cause.
Finally, do you have any general comments/suggestions to other people who are willing to help NCEF?
There are very few things that are as satisfying as knowing that what you are doing has such a meaningful impact in the world around you. It gives me great pleasure to volunteer for NCEF. I would strongly urge everyone else to do the same.

Hilary Stevens and Lucas Koziol were married in Incline Village, Tahoe on a beautiful October Saturday. Hilary, originally from Sacramento, CA, is currently a first year family practice resident. Lucas, hailing from far-off Poland, is a postdoctoral researcher in physical chemistry. The couple is connected to NCEF through Om Gnawali, the founder of the organization. Lucas and Om met at University of Southern California where they were good bicycle touring buddies. Om served as a groomsman at Lucas and Hilary's wedding. The happy couple put NCEF on their wedding registry page, and donations came in from friends and family. Currently, we have received donations from 8 individuals totaling $900. The NCEF team wishes the newly married couple a very happy life together.