Mr. Ges Bahadur Rana is an area coordinator for Jaubari, Nawalparasi. We recently started work in this location. Below is an excerpt from a conversation with him about his background and the work he does with us

Tell us something about yourself.
I am a teacher in my village. I have completed Intermediate level (grade 12) education majoring in education. I am also involved in another non-profit called “Samudaiek Adhyan Kendra.” I am married with two children.
What work do you do for NCEF?
I recruited two volunteers in our area. As a coordinator, I work with these volunteers to manage and mentor three students we have selected for this academic year.
How did you hear about NCEF?
I hear about NCEF through Sudip Shrestha, who is a former volunteer with the organization. Part of what got me interested about NCEF was the good words from former volunteers.
Tell us about the students who were selected for scholarships this year.
We currently have three students. Each has a different background and story. But generally, they have very low income, depend on farming work, and belong to the Magar group. These students are all deserving of the financial assistance and encouragement we provide. It is sad we cannot support more students but hopefully we can help many more students in the future.
How do you communicate with program director Mr. Tripathi?
I need to be in somewhat regular communication with the program director to send application forms, periodic reports, and sometimes government papers and approvals. I typically contact him phone and we use a courier service for mail/paper delivery. I may also use email in the future to make the communication more efficient. Currently the cellular data service in my area is not good. Hopefully it will get better soon.
How much time does NCEF-related work take?
One day a month we spend 4-6 hours doing status update forms and meeting the students. Then there is additional time for coordination, communication, and government permits etc. which are done on as-needed basis.
Do you have any message for our friends, supporters, and readers?
I hope we can support more students from this community to successfully complete their basic education. Let’s also expand our assistance to other nearby villages.